
Support Matheatre

Matheatre is a 501(c)(3) entity.

We accept tax-deductible donations at any level, at any time.

For a powerful impact in your community, sponsoring Matheatre demonstrates to your community that you or your organization value STEM education, curiosity, scientific literacy and imagination.

We inspire curiosity and scientific literacy through live theatre, a unique experience that also fosters empathy, abstract thinking and attention span. Many students we reach report that this was their first time experiencing a live play. Other students tell us they didn’t enjoy math until our show framed it in a way that spoke to them. Still others are bolstered by the rare catharsis of being entertained by an experience that unapologetically celebrates the cerebral.

Our world desperately needs people who are scientifically literate and intellectually curious. We work to engage and recruit those people through the performing arts.

Thank you for supporting the imagination of the next generation of scientists and visionaries.

2022/23 Supporters



Production Sponsor of "Emilie's Dramatic Sarcastic Mathematics Playlist"

Patrick Cusick

Production Sponsor of "Emilie's Dramatic Sarcastic Mathematics Playlist"

Amy Wagner

Points of Light Sponsor

Patreon Members

Scott Pakudaitis
Roberta Coates
Amy Wagner
Greg Jukes
Meghan Thomas
Chris Dean
Andrew Hungerford
Science VR
Charles Borchert
Kristian Horman
Lauren Siegel
Joe McMorrow
Sten & Erin
Christina Hunter
Heather West
Bridget Walter
Cali Mastny
Julie Gutman
Sean DeNicola
Becky Coates
Doug Borntrager
Annie Bosworth Foley
Kirsten Sevig
Shannon McCarthy
Llysa Holland & Andrew Litzky
Shanequa Jenkins
La Familia Pedrosa
Kjell Hansen
Neil Olszewski
The Nexus TV
Christina Spindler Berta
Angel Villegas
Victoria Brady
Ember Stevens
Cole Sarar
Marsha & Mike Bowman